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After all, why is design important?

Design is a broad concept that represents the process of creating products based on technical and aesthetic excellence, with the aim of solving problems and adding value. Good design delivers the best possible user experience.

Design is a thought process that comprises the creation of products to solve problems, including functional and aesthetic aspects.

This is the most objective definition possible for the concept, which encompasses numerous forms of idealization, conception, development and specification of objects.

“The design is not just what it looks like. The design is how it works”.
A caption for the above image.

The history of design.

If we take the term literally, our ancestors already practiced design when creating their chipped stone tools. However, to facilitate understanding, let's place the concept in our age.

In this case, who deserves the title of first designer in history is Leonardo Da Vinci.

The genius used design principles to design visionary inventions that revolutionized humanity and propelled science forward.

Can you already see design with a new look?

As we have seen, it is not a simple term, as it concerns a process, science, profession and even attributes of everything we know.

No wonder you are surrounded by examples of design: the page of this blog, the decoration of your office, the model of your shirt and even the shape of your chair. That's why design is so important.

It allows the world we imagine to become reality in the best possible way.



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